Does your business have any of these common symptoms of neglected IT?
Does your business have any of these common symptoms of neglected IT?
We start by looking at the big picture, and assessing what you’re getting the most advantage from, and what needs to evolve.
With our assessment in hand, we can develop a practical, but ambitious, IT strategy for you.
We’ll talk to your teams, and dive deep into every aspect of your IT.
Set yourself up for success in just 4 steps
Our audit won’t just look from the outside in. While we delve into all aspects of your IT - from the phone on your desk to your security parameters - we’ll also talk to your people.
A good IT system needs to be usable. And solutions can be overengineered.
We’re not here to sell you things you don’t need. We’re here to make sure the things you have are working well for you.
Your report covers 5 key areas:
Networks, Security, Data, Hardware, Software
We keep it as plain and simple as we can, so you can easily see what’s working well, where your risks are, and if there are any issues that need your immediate attention.Your report will include a series of recommendations.
We’ll use these to develop your IT strategy: a step-by-step plan to ensure that your IT is operating at the same, high standard. We’ll prioritise items for action so you can plan your investments accordingly. No surprises.© 2025 optimised. All rights reserved.